A few customers have asked about Training and Travel after covid. Resuming our face-to-face, classroom Training on-site, at events across Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Asia and the Pacific. At Solveworx we design and deliver Online and Classroom Training on banking and topics related to Banking and Financial Services. Human nature being what it is, we are already thinking about Training and Travel after Covid. After the Pandemic put paid to our face-to-face, classroom Training, so like the rest of the world, we turned to On-Line. “Hope springs eternal in the human breast.” … “We always hope, and in all things it is better to hope than to despair.” … –Philo (Greek scholar, 2nd century A.D.). We had been experimenting with Online delivery when the pandemic struck and so, like most companies we adapted quickly and learnt fast. The change to Online has mostly been for the better. Most of our Courses Read more…

No matter where, we are only really starting to come to terms with how fragile our economies and societies really are…

Many banks have experienced a ‘Digital Boom’ during the Pandemic – this hasn’t changed how people live and work, it is changing how people want to live and work

Online Training builds strong teams because it’s easy to do; tailored to the team’s unique needs; is less stressful, more engaging and delivers great results

13 Reasons why Banks will be around a lot longer than the experts predict or why Resilient Banks beats Fintech Smarts (almost) every time…. ‘Experts’ who forecast the Death of Banking with the same conviction that Fundamentalists predict the Apocalypse, are very much mistaken. There are at least Thirteen Reasons Why* this won’t happen that I can think of off the top of my head (though there are probably many more). So here goes… First – Payments is not the same as banking. Almost all such arguments that banks are failing customers appear rooted in the observation that some customers (ie. millennials*) either don’t like dealing with, or don’t think their banks doing enough to keep them happy. While there may be some truth in this, the way we experience Banking is usually through our cards, accounts, ‘wallets’ or devices . Like the mobile phones we use to pay for Read more…

Just a few of the banks and organisations that Solveworx has worked with

Mobile banking continues to demonstrate its potential to fundamentally change the way banks in developing markets engage and deliver financial services
The runaway success of early operator mobile money products in East Africa held out a future for MNO’s eager to generate new revenue streams, beyond voice and data by boldly grabbing the public mind and private purses of previously low and UN-banked emerging market society. These services have become a much-referenced ‘gold standard’ of not only what mobile technology and financial services can achieve in emerging markets. Four years on, with over 200 mobile operator mobile money services around the world, how successful have these services been? Research by the Mobile Money Unit of the GSM association, GSMA MMU suggests that while the MNO’s have enjoyed varied levels of success with mobile money in emerging markets, their overall impact and success remains a bit of a mixed bag. The survey sampled 52 MNO mobile money (MM) services from the 150 MM services around the world. It included 11 in East Read more…
e four winning ingredients outlined in the previous post has shown again and again to place Banks in a leading position by taking charge of its own destiny through a Bank-Led approach to mobile banking…