This was a man who, in the interests of scientific research, stood within a circle of blood, and chanted the Lord’s Prayer, backwards, seven times to test whether his actions would cause the devil or vampires materialise
This was a man who, in the interests of scientific research, stood within a circle of blood, and chanted the Lord’s Prayer, backwards, seven times to test whether his actions would cause the devil or vampires materialise
Just a few of the banks and organisations that Solveworx has worked with
Mobile banking continues to demonstrate its potential to fundamentally change the way banks in developing markets engage and deliver financial services
amic banking (مصرفية إسلامية) is banking or banking activity that is consistent with the principles of Sharia (Islamic law)
The runaway success of early operator mobile money products in East Africa held out a future for MNO’s eager to generate new revenue streams, beyond voice and data by boldly grabbing the public mind and private purses of previously low and UN-banked emerging market society. These services have become a much-referenced ‘gold standard’ of not only what mobile technology and financial services can achieve in emerging markets. Four years on, with over 200 mobile operator mobile money services around the world, how successful have these services been? Research by the Mobile Money Unit of the GSM association, GSMA MMU suggests that while the MNO’s have enjoyed varied levels of success with mobile money in emerging markets, their overall impact and success remains a bit of a mixed bag. The survey sampled 52 MNO mobile money (MM) services from the 150 MM services around the world. It included 11 in East Read more…
e four winning ingredients outlined in the previous post has shown again and again to place Banks in a leading position by taking charge of its own destiny through a Bank-Led approach to mobile banking…
The key to building a winning mobile banking proposition is to grasp the key elements that have led to bank-led mobile banking success in emerging markets in sub-Saharan Africa and Asia.
USSD (Unstructured Supplementary Service Data), has enormous potential to deliver new products and services to mobile customers in the Pacific, but has yet to come into its own as a mature, fully-fledged service. Like SMS, USSD has a low barrier to entry for subscribers and customers. It is intuitive, menu-driven and works across all handsets, yet unlike SMS, USSD services and availability varies greatly across Mobile Network Operators (MNO’s) and regions in the Pacific. “Just about every handset made in the last 10 years handles USSD sessions and menus, and all GSM handsets will at least handle basic USSD, which is why this is a popular service for top-ups and balance inquiries” said Gary Collins, Head of Mobile and InStore banking at Westpac Bank. “It requires no special handset functionality, so customers don’t need expensive java-enabled smartphones, or pre-loaded Sim-cards. From a mobile customer point of view, it is ready Read more…
Changing demographics, education and wealth distribution, fed in recent years by the dramatic fall in the costs of technology, and stellar advances in Mobile & Digital Innovation and Globalisation, appears to have awakened new interest from major banking players to the opportunities in new and fast-growth markets, recently suggested by new Solveworx research, and reports that banks like Commonwealth Bank of Australia, are actively looking at opportunities to extend and deepen banking services, beyond traditional mass affluent segments in the fastest-growing regions of Africa and Asia The paradox facing many banks keen to enter that segment, is that while the opportunity looks impressive on paper, when it comes to weighing up the economic business case, it appears that creative math seldom really makes the case stack up. Why is that? Well, at first glance, the answer appears fairly straightforward. Conventional retail banking thinking says the retail banking business is (mostly) Read more…
The action of delaying or postponing something Log Book Entry: Serial procrastinator… 7:00 – Decide to work from home because its cold outside 7:35 – Make resolute decision to finish crushingly boring assignment TODAY 7:36 – Weigh-up how I should reward myself when I complete said work 7:37 – Decide on my cool ‘reward’ which is “Do some fun stuff” 7:38 to 8:41 – Attack work with gusto. Feeling good. 8:42 – Notice smudge on laptop screen obscuring a letter on my screen 8:43 to 8:45 – Ignore smudge, focus on work 8:45 to 9:02 – Focus more on smudge 9:03 – Decide action needed to clean smudge 9:04 to 9:12 – Search drawers for screen cleaning solution 9:12 – Find cleaning solution AND a screwdriver I thought was missing 9:18 – Remember loose handle in kitchen that needs tightening 9:26 – Finish tightening handle of frying pan – job Read more…
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